Saturday, March 6, 2010

Reflection, First week of March

This week consisted mainly of translating the Aeneid, and then on Friday, going to the library to do further work on the IA. The story is getting interesting so far; Aeneas has finally achieved his goal of finding the golden bough, which I was glad to see after all he has been through so far, particularly the death of Misenus, his close comrade. I was glad to see something go his way, and I am interested to see how the story will unfold from here, and what will happen to Aeneas when he gets to the Underworld, which is his destination.

As for the IA, I have decided to revise my question a bit, from focusing solely on how Cicero perceived Caesar but to how people who corresponded through letters, including Cicero, perceived Caesar in the last 5-10 years of his life and the context around it. I think that it will be easier for me to do my IA if I include the word of others besides just Cicero, but I need to limit it to a specific number of years, and I think I will try to focus on the last 5 years of Caesar's life. The next thing I should do is continue looking through the texts, starting with Cicero's letters and eventually I will look to see what Caesar was doing during these years, so I will know why people perceived him the way they did.

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